Лидеры BI-платформ. Версия Gartner 2009
Posted on января 22, 2009
Filed Under BI, Gartner
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Gartner выпустил свой очередной обзор основных игроков рынка BI-платформ. Картинки выше. Что хочется отметить:
Учтены результаты всех приобретений, что были сделаны.
MS скорее сдал позиции, чем приобрел
Вот что пишут про MS:
Microsoft joined the BI market relatively late with a broadly capable product set at a low price point. Since then it has consistently developed its offering, edging into the Leaders quadrant in last year’s BI Platforms Magic Quadrant. Microsoft’s pricing and packaging of its BI platform make it an attractive proposition for organizations new to BI or firms that are looking to reduce their portfolio of BI tools and lower their annual software maintenance bills. Growing market penetration — almost a third of the reference customers Microsoft nominated to take part in the research for this report had bought its BI platform in the last year, corroborating earlier analysis finding a strong intent to purchase for Microsoft in this market (see "Business Intelligence Platform Usage and Quality Dynamics, 2008"). Strong leverage of installed base of products. By placing Excel, SQL Server and the very rapidly spreading SharePoint Server at the center its BI strategy, Microsoft virtually guarantees its BI offering’s continued adoption. Microsoft’s BI platform appeals to the large community of Microsoft application developers — its development tools were rated the best of any vendor in the market by the customers surveyed.
While Microsoft is still on track to continue to grow its market share, the company has not executed well on communicating product road maps and delivering on several of its BI-related product acquisitions (such as Fast, Stratature and ProClarity). In comparison with its large competitors, its product vision remains somewhat limited — focused predominantly on reporting and Excel analyst-driven BI and, more recently, some strategic BI (via Performance Point Server). Microsoft is lacking the operational BI vision of Oracle and SAP, which will push BI more into business processes and closer to the point of decision. Long development cycles slow Microsoft’s ability to deliver on innovation, with newly announced BI product capabilities (such as project Gemini, Microsoft’s much-hyped in-memory, column-oriented processing addition) dependent on a future Microsoft Office release that may be as far away as 2010. Microsoft’s customers that contacted Gartner as part of his research rated its BI metadata management as considerably poorer than the market overall. This comes as no surprise as there is no single, enterprise business metadata layer or capability across Microsoft’s BI platform components; each has its own metadata model, which could damage the perception of Microsoft BI as having a low TCO. Lack of direct sales channel. Microsoft has invested in a developer channel program and has made new investments targeted at meeting the needs of large enterprise accounts; however, its lack of a direct sales channel will make it less competitive against the direct channels of its competition and slow its market penetration. For additional details, see "SWOT: Microsoft, Business Intelligence Platforms, Worldwide."
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похоже у Spotfire самый весомый прогресс, вот только клиентов маловато.
Ну я бы сказал Tibco и Panorama самые быстропрогрессирующие в этот раз. Но тут надо смотреть скорее на тенденцию нескольких лет. А на счет клиентов — в России вообще мне кажется очень сложно найти специалистов не по большой 4 (SAP, IBM, Oracle и MS). Я лично знаю всего несколько контор, что SAS-решениями занимаются…
Максим, добрый день!
Всю историю BI в магических квадрантах Gartner с 2006 по 2009 гг. можно посмотреть здесь: http://roman-k.ru/2009/11/27/mq-bi-2006-2009/#more-131